Average Cycle Time Saga: Unraveling the Mystery of Python Code vs Cycle Time Widget
Image by Adalayde - hkhazo.biz.id

Average Cycle Time Saga: Unraveling the Mystery of Python Code vs Cycle Time Widget

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Are you stuck in a predicament where your Average Cycle Time (ACT) in Python code doesn’t quite match the numbers shown in the Cycle Time widget? You’re not alone! Many developers and data analysts have faced this conundrum, and today, we’re going to tackle it head-on. In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind the discrepancy, explore the nuances of ACT calculations, and provide you with practical steps to reconcile the differences.

The Enigma of Average Cycle Time

Average Cycle Time is a critical metric in lean software development, measuring the time taken for a work item to move from one stage to another. It provides valuable insights into your team’s velocity, helping you identify bottlenecks, optimize workflows, and make data-driven decisions. However, when the ACT calculated in your Python code doesn’t match the Cycle Time widget, it can be frustrating and raise questions about data accuracy.

Theories Behind the Discrepancy

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s explore some possible reasons for the disparity:

  • Data Sources: Python code and Cycle Time widgets might be pulling data from different sources, leading to inconsistencies.
  • ACT calculations can vary depending on the formula used, and Python code vs Cycle Time widget might employ different approaches.
  • Handling time zones and timestamps correctly is crucial, and small errors can result in significant discrepancies.
  • Sampling rates, aggregation intervals, and filtering criteria can influence the ACT values.

Unraveling the Mismatch: A Step-by-Step Guide

To resolve the discrepancy, we’ll follow a structured approach, examining each layer of the ACT calculation and exploring potential issues.

1. Verify Data Sources and Integrity

Ensure both Python code and Cycle Time widget are using the same data source. Check for any data inconsistencies, such as:

  • missing or duplicate records
  • incorrect or inconsistent data formatting
  • data retrieval methods (e.g., API calls, database queries)

# Python code to verify data source
import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv('data.csv')
print(data.head())  # Verify data structure and integrity

2. Inspect Calculation Methods

Examine the ACT calculation methods used in both Python code and Cycle Time widget. Confirm that:

  • the formulas employed are identical
  • the same aggregation intervals are used (e.g., daily, weekly)
  • weights or filters are applied consistently

# Python code to calculate ACT
def calculate_act(data):
    act = (data['end_timestamp'] - data['start_timestamp']).mean()
    return act

act_value = calculate_act(data)

3. Time Zones and Timestamps: The Culprits?

Verify that time zones and timestamps are handled correctly:

  • ensure consistent time zone settings
  • use timestamp formats that account for time zones (e.g., UTC)
  • account for daylight saving time (DST) adjustments

# Python code to handle time zones and timestamps
import pytz
from datetime import datetime

data['start_timestamp'] = data['start_timestamp'].apply(lambda x: datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC))
data['end_timestamp'] = data['end_timestamp'].apply(lambda x: datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC))

4. Data Sampling and Filtering

Investigate data sampling and filtering criteria:

  • verify sampling rates and intervals
  • check filtering criteria (e.g., date ranges, work item types)
  • ensure data aggregation and grouping are consistent

# Python code to apply filtering and sampling
data_filtered = data[(data['work_item_type'] == 'Feature') & (data['start_timestamp'] > '2022-01-01')]
data_sampled = data_filtered.resample('D').mean()  # daily sampling and aggregation

Reconciliation and Validation

After addressing the potential issues, re-run the ACT calculations in both Python code and Cycle Time widget. Validate the results by:

  • comparing the recalculated ACT values
  • checking for any remaining discrepancies
  • verifying data consistency and integrity
Python Code ACT Cycle Time Widget ACT
10.5 hours 10.5 hours


Resolving the mismatch between Average Cycle Time in Python code and Cycle Time widget requires a methodical approach. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to identify and address the root causes of the discrepancy, ensuring that your ACT calculations are accurate and reliable. Remember to stay vigilant, as data quality and calculation methods can evolve over time, and regular validation is essential to maintain trust in your metrics.

With this newfound knowledge, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the Average Cycle Time enigma and unlock the insights needed to optimize your workflows and drive growth.

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about Average Cycle Time!

Why is the Average Cycle Time different between my Python code and the Cycle Time widget?

This discrepancy might occur because the Cycle Time widget and your Python code are calculating Average Cycle Time differently. The widget calculates it based on the median cycle time, whereas your Python code might be using a different method, such as mean or mode. Ensure that both calculations are using the same methodology to get consistent results.

Are there any specific settings or configurations that could affect the Average Cycle Time calculation?

Yes, there are several settings that can impact the Average Cycle Time calculation. For instance, the Cycle Time widget has options to exclude weekends, holidays, or specific time ranges, which might not be accounted for in your Python code. Also, the widget might be using a different data range or filtering criteria that affects the calculation. Check your settings and ensure they’re aligned with your code.

Can I customize the Cycle Time widget to match my Python code’s calculation method?

While the Cycle Time widget has some configuration options, it’s not possible to fully customize its calculation method to match your Python code. However, you can use the widget’s API to retrieve the raw data and perform your own custom calculation in your Python code. This way, you can ensure consistency between the two.

What are some best practices to ensure accurate Average Cycle Time calculations?

To ensure accuracy, it’s essential to define a clear and consistent methodology for calculating Average Cycle Time. This includes specifying the time range, filtering criteria, and calculation method. Additionally, regularly review and update your settings to reflect changes in your process. Consistency is key to getting reliable results!

How often should I review and update my Average Cycle Time calculations?

It’s recommended to review and update your Average Cycle Time calculations regularly, ideally during process reviews or when changes occur in your workflow. This ensures that your calculations remain accurate and relevant, providing valuable insights to improve your processes.