Out of Memory Error While Writing Huge File to Database Using FileStream: A Comprehensive Guide to Overcome the Nightmare
Image by Adalayde - hkhazo.biz.id

Out of Memory Error While Writing Huge File to Database Using FileStream: A Comprehensive Guide to Overcome the Nightmare

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Have you ever encountered the dreaded “Out of Memory Error” while trying to write a massive file to a database using FileStream? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This frustrating error can bring your application to its knees, but fear not, dear developer, for we have the solution right here.

What Causes the Out of Memory Error?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s understand what causes this error in the first place. When you use FileStream to write a large file to a database, the entire file is loaded into memory. If the file size exceeds the available memory, the system throws the “Out of Memory Error”. This error can occur even if you have plenty of disk space, as the system struggles to allocate sufficient memory to handle the file.

Symptoms of the Out of Memory Error

Here are some common symptoms to help you identify the Out of Memory Error:

  • _APPLICATION_NAME_ has stopped working
  • Unable to write data to the database
  • Error message: “Out of memory” or “System.OutOfMemoryException”
  • Program crashes or freezes

Solution 1: Breaking Down the File into Chunks

One of the most effective ways to overcome the Out of Memory Error is to break down the large file into smaller, manageable chunks. By doing so, you can write each chunk to the database separately, reducing the memory requirements.

 using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open))
     int chunkSize = 1024 * 1024; // 1MB chunks
     byte[] buffer = new byte[chunkSize];
     int bytesRead;

     while ((bytesRead = fileStream.Read(buffer, 0, chunkSize)) > 0)
         using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
             ms.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
             // Write chunk to database using ms.ToArray()

Advantages of Chunking:

  • Reduces memory usage
  • Allows for parallel processing of chunks
  • Improves overall performance

Solution 2: Streaming Data to the Database

Another approach to overcome the Out of Memory Error is to stream the data directly to the database without loading the entire file into memory. This method is particularly useful when working with large files that don’t fit into memory.

 using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open))
     using (SqlFileStream sqlFileStream = new SqlFileStream(fileStream, "SELECT * FROM Files WHERE Id = @Id", "FileData", "FileId", 0, 0))
         byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
         int bytesRead;

         while ((bytesRead = fileStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
             sqlFileStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);

Advantages of Streaming:

  • Prioritizes disk I/O over memory usage
  • Supports files of any size, limited only by disk space
  • Reduces memory allocation and garbage collection

Solution 3: Increasing the Available Memory

Sometimes, increasing the available memory can provide a temporary fix for the Out of Memory Error. However, this approach is not recommended as a long-term solution, as it can lead to performance issues and instability.

 // Increase the available memory by setting the gcAllowVeryLargeObjects property to true
 AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData("gcAllowVeryLargeObjects", true);

 // Create a large array to demonstrate the increased memory allocation
 byte[] largeArray = new byte[int.MaxValue / 2];

Limitations of Increasing Memory:

  • Limited by the 2GB per-process limit (32-bit systems)
  • May lead to performance issues and instability
  • Not a scalable solution for large files

Best Practices for Handling Large Files

When working with large files, it’s essential to follow best practices to avoid common pitfalls and optimize performance:

  • Use a streaming approach whenever possible
  • Break down large files into manageable chunks
  • Avoid loading entire files into memory
  • Optimize database connections and queries
  • Monitor system resources and adjust accordingly


The “Out of Memory Error” while writing huge files to a database using FileStream can be a daunting challenge. However, by breaking down the file into chunks, streaming data to the database, or increasing the available memory, you can overcome this error and ensure the smooth operation of your application. Remember to follow best practices for handling large files, and always prioritize performance and scalability.

Solution Advantages Disadvantages
  • Reduces memory usage
  • Allows for parallel processing
  • Improves performance
  • Complexity in implementation
  • Requires additional logic for chunk management
  • Prioritizes disk I/O over memory usage
  • Supports files of any size
  • Reduces memory allocation
  • Requires compatible database and file system
  • Limited control over chunking
Increasing Memory
  • Quick fix for small files
  • Simplistic implementation
  • Limited by 2GB per-process limit
  • May lead to performance issues
  • Not scalable

By understanding the causes and symptoms of the Out of Memory Error and implementing the solutions outlined above, you’ll be well-equipped to handle large files with ease and confidence.


When working with massive files, prioritize chunking and streaming to ensure efficient memory management and optimal performance.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of dealing with out of memory errors while writing huge files to a database using FileStream?

Q: What causes the “out of memory” error when writing huge files to a database using FileStream?

A: The “out of memory” error occurs when the application runs out of memory to store the file data in the memory buffer. This happens when the file size exceeds the available memory space, causing the application to crash. To avoid this, you can use a streaming approach to write the file to the database in chunks, reducing the memory usage.

Q: How can I optimize my code to avoid out of memory errors when writing large files to a database using FileStream?

A: To optimize your code, consider using a buffer size that is smaller than the available memory, and write the file to the database in chunks. You can also use async programming to write the file to the database, reducing the memory usage. Additionally, consider using a database that supports streaming data, such as SQL Server’s FILESTREAM feature.

Q: What is the maximum file size that can be written to a database using FileStream without causing an out of memory error?

A: There is no specific maximum file size limit, as it depends on the available memory and the buffer size used. However, as a general rule of thumb, if the file size exceeds 1-2 GB, you may start to encounter memory issues. To avoid this, use a streaming approach to write the file to the database in chunks.

Q: How can I monitor memory usage when writing large files to a database using FileStream?

A: You can use performance counters or memory profiling tools, such as dotMemory or VisualVM, to monitor memory usage. You can also use .NET’s Garbage Collector to monitor memory allocation and garbage collection. Additionally, consider using asynchronous programming to write the file to the database, which can help reduce memory usage.

Q: Are there any alternative approaches to writing large files to a database using FileStream?

A: Yes, there are alternative approaches to writing large files to a database. For example, you can use SQL Server’s BULK INSERT statement, or use a third-party library that supports streaming data, such as EPPlus or.sendFile. You can also consider using cloud-based storage services, such as Azure Blob Storage or Amazon S3, to store large files.

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