The Mysterious Case of Console.log: Prints Value and Prints ‘undefined’?
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The Mysterious Case of Console.log: Prints Value and Prints ‘undefined’?

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Have you ever been debugging your JavaScript code, and suddenly, console.log starts behaving strangely? You log a variable, and it prints the expected value, but then, out of nowhere, it prints ‘undefined’. You’re left scratching your head, wondering what sorcery is at play. Fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to unravel the mystery behind this perplexing phenomenon.

what’s going on?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s first understand what’s happening behind the scenes. When you use console.log, it evaluates the expression you pass to it and logs the result to the console. In most cases, this works as expected. However, when you’re dealing with asynchronous code or functions that don’t return a value, things can get a bit tricky.

The Culprits: Asynchronous Code and Void Functions

Asynchronous code and void functions are the primary culprits behind this issue. Let’s break them down:

  • Asynchronous Code: When you’re working with asynchronous code, such as API calls, setTimeout, or setInterval, the code might not have finished executing by the time console.log is called. This can lead to ‘undefined’ being printed, even if the variable has a value later on.
  • Void Functions: A void function is a function that doesn’t return a value. When you call a void function and log its result, console.log will print ‘undefined’, as there is no value to log.

solutions and explanations

Now that we know the culprits, let’s explore the solutions and explanations to tackle this issue:

1. async/await to the Rescue

One way to handle asynchronous code is to use async/await. This allows you to write asynchronous code that looks and feels like synchronous code.

async function getData() {
  const response = await fetch('');
  const data = await response.json();
  console.log(data); // Prints the expected data

In this example, we use async/await to ensure that the data is fetched and parsed before logging it to the console.

2. Using Thenables and Promises

Another way to handle asynchronous code is to use thenables and promises. This approach is similar to async/await, but it uses callbacks instead.

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => console.log(data)); // Prints the expected data

In this example, we use thenables to handle the asynchronous code and log the data to the console once it’s available.

3. Logging Variables Instead of Function Calls

When dealing with void functions, it’s essential to log the variable itself instead of the function call.

let result;
const data = { foo: 'bar' };
result =;
console.log(result); // Prints 'bar'

In this example, we log the variable result instead of the function call, ensuring that we get the expected value.

4. Using Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE)

IIFE can be used to create a self-contained scope for your code, which can help avoid logging ‘undefined’.

(function() {
  const data = { foo: 'bar' };
  console.log(; // Prints 'bar'

In this example, we use an IIFE to create a self-contained scope, ensuring that the data is logged correctly.

best practices to avoid the issue

To avoid the ‘undefined’ issue altogether, follow these best practices:

  1. Use console.log carefully: Only log variables and values that you’re sure exist and are not asynchronously generated.
  2. Avoid logging function calls: Instead of logging function calls, log the variables themselves to ensure you get the expected value.
  3. Use async/await or thenables: When working with asynchronous code, use async/await or thenables to ensure that the code is executed in the correct order.
  4. Use IIFE: Consider using IIFE to create a self-contained scope for your code, which can help avoid logging ‘undefined’.

common pitfalls to watch out for

Even with the solutions and best practices, there are some common pitfalls to watch out for:

Pitfall Reason
Logging asynchronous code without waiting for its completion The code might not have finished executing, leading to ‘undefined’ being logged.
Logging void functions Void functions don’t return a value, resulting in ‘undefined’ being logged.
Logging variables before they’re initialized The variable might not have a value yet, leading to ‘undefined’ being logged.

By being aware of these pitfalls, you can avoid common mistakes and ensure that your console.log statements behave as expected.


The mysterious case of console.log printing ‘undefined’ can be attributed to asynchronous code and void functions. By using async/await, thenables, logging variables instead of function calls, and following best practices, you can avoid this issue altogether. Remember to be cautious of common pitfalls and use console.log carefully to ensure that you’re logging the values you expect.

Now, go forth and debug your code with confidence, knowing that you’re equipped to tackle the ‘undefined’ issue head-on!

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “Console.log prints value and prints ‘undefined'”:

Frequently Asked Question

Wondering why console.log is driving you crazy by printing both the value and ‘undefined’? Let’s get to the bottom of this mystery!

Why does console.log print the value and then ‘undefined’?

This happens because the function you’re calling console.log from doesn’t explicitly return a value. In JavaScript, if a function doesn’t return a value, it defaults to returning undefined. So, when you call console.log, it prints the value you passed to it, and then it prints the return value of the function, which is undefined.

Is it a bug in the console.log function?

Nope! It’s not a bug. Console.log is working as intended. The ‘undefined’ you see is the return value of the function you’re calling console.log from, not the return value of console.log itself. Console.log returns undefined, but that’s not what you’re seeing in the console.

How can I avoid seeing ‘undefined’ in the console?

Easy peasy! Just make sure the function you’re calling console.log from returns something explicitly. If you don’t need a return value, you can return null or an empty string. Alternatively, you can call console.log as a standalone statement, not as part of a function.

Why does it matter what gets returned from the function?

It matters because when you call a function, the calling code might be expecting a return value. If the function doesn’t return anything, the calling code might get confused or behave unexpectedly. In the case of console.log, it’s not a big deal, but in other situations, it can lead to bugs and headaches.

Is this behavior unique to console.log?

No way! This behavior is common to all JavaScript functions. It’s not specific to console.log or any other built-in function. It’s just how JavaScript works. So, the next time you see ‘undefined’ in the console, you’ll know what’s going on!

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